Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes 'EU integration & ethics'

  • Masterarbeit Matthias Pirs (2018). Ethical Integration in EU Law by The European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE). Volltext
  • Frischhut, M. (2019). The ethical spirit of EU law. Cham: Springer International Publishing.


Publikationen etc.


  • Frischhut, M. (2025, January 6). Op-Ed: “Professional Ethics vs. Profit: the Independence of Lawyers in CJEU Judgment Halmer Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft (C-295/23)”. EU Law Live, Issue No 53, pp. 16–19.
  • Frischhut, M. (2024). Ethische Dimensionen der Digitalwirtschaft. In L. Staffler, B. Ebersberger, & A. Jobin (Eds.), Digitalwirtschaft: Technische, wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Grundlagen (2024. Auflage, pp. 109–128). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH; Springer Gabler.
  • Frischhut, M. (2024). Freedom of Establishment of Health Institutions. In S. Garben & L. Gormley (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law. Oxford University Press.
  • Frischhut, M. (2024). Freedom of Establishment of Light Scrutiny Health Institutions. In S. Garben & L. Gormley (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law. Oxford University Press.
  • Frischhut, M. (2024). Freedom of Establishment of Medium Scrutiny Health Institutions. In S. Garben & L. Gormley (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law. Oxford University Press.
  • Frischhut, M. (2024). Freedom of Establishment of Strict Scrutiny Health Institutions. In S. Garben & L. Gormley (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law. Oxford University Press.
  • Frischhut, M., & Werner-Felmayer, G. (2024). Medical ethical principles against the background of “European values”. Medicine, 52(7), 409–412.
  • Frischhut, M., & Levaggi, R. (2024). With a little help from my (neighbouring) friends. ‘Border region patient mobility’ in the European Union: a policy analysis. Health Policy, 146, 105114.
  • Frischhut, M. (2024, May 9). A new EU Body for Ethical Standards: Final destination or important interim step? EU Law Analysis blog contribution.
  • Frischhut, M. (2024). Book review: Human Dignity and Democracy in Europe: Synergies, Tensions and Crises. (Daniel Bedford, Catherine Dupré, Gábor Halmai and Panos Kapotas (Eds.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2022). Common Market Law Review, 61(1), 257–259.
  • Frischhut, M. (2023). Eine Europäische Gesundheitsunion: Historische Ideen, aktuelle Pläne und Werte für einen resilienten Wiederaufbau. Zeitschrift Für Öffentliches Recht (ZÖR), 78(2), 177–201.
  • Frischhut, M. (2023). Access to Healthcare of Migrant ‘Third Country Nationals’. In S. Garben & L. Gormley (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law. Oxford University Press.
  • Frischhut, M. (2023). Mandatory vaccination: Pandemics and selected human rights issues from an EU perspective. In E. Symeonidou-Kastanidou, K. Kipouridou, M. Milapidou, & T. Trokanas (Eds.), COVID19-Pandemic: Medical, legal and ethical issues (pp. 17–42). Nomiki Vivliothiki.
  • Frischhut, M. (2022). The Ethical Spirit of EU Values: Status Quo of the Union of Values and Future Direction of Travel. Cham: Springer.
  • Feeney, O., Werner-Felmayer, G., Siipi, H., Frischhut, M., Zullo, S., Barteczko, U., Ursin, L. Ø., Linn, S., Felzmann, H., Krajnović, D., Saunders, J., & Rakić, V. (2022). European eHealth Responses to Crisis Migration: A Critical Appraisal. In A. Hellemeyer & E. Díaz-Amado (Eds.), Forced Displacement in Conflict Scenarios: Ethics and Human Rights Perspectives (pp. 106–118). Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
  • The EAHL Interest Group on Supranational Biolaw. (2022, May 31). Joint Statement 'Health as a fundamental value. Towards an inclusive and equitable pharmaceutical strategy for the European Union': 2021 Thematic Network on an inclusive and equitable Pharmaceutical Strategy, under the scientific coordination of Aurélie Mahalatchimy and Éloïse Gennet. European Association of Health Law. (download)
  • Frischhut, M. (2022). Book review, Richard David Precht, Von der Pflicht: Eine Betrachtung. München: Goldmann Verlag, 2021. 174 pages. ISBN: 978-3-442-31639-7. European Journal of Health Law, 29(2), 321–325.
  • Parmet, W. E., Frischhut, M., Garde, A., & Toebes, B. (2021). Introduction to Public Health Law. In T. K. Hervey & D. Orentlicher (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Health Law (pp. 69–76). Oxford University Press.
  • Frischhut, M. (2021). Communicable and Other Infectious Diseases: The EU Perspective. In T. K. Hervey & D. Orentlicher (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Health Law (pp. 77–96). Oxford University Press.
  • Frischhut, M. (2021, April 30). The new mandate of the European Commission’s ethics advisory body for science and new technologies. Further developments and larger context: EU Law Analysis blog contribution.
  • Frischhut, M. (2021). Robotic medicine in the EU: digital ethics and EU common values. In M. Milapidou (Ed.), New Technologies in Health: Medical, Legal and Ethical Issues (67-85). Nomiki Bibliothiki.
  • Frischhut, M. (2020). EU Values and Ethical Principles for AI and Robotics with Special Consideration of the Health Sector. In M. Hengstschläger & Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development (Eds.), Digital Transformation and Ethics (pp. 244–274). Ecowin Verlag.
  • Frischhut, M. (2020). Strengthening transparency and integrity via the new ‘Independent Ethics Body’ (IEB). Study requested by the European Parliament's AFCO committee: PE 661.110.
  • Frischhut, M., & Werner-Felmayer, G. (2020). A European perspective on medical ethics. Medicine, 48(10), 634–636.
  • Frischhut, M. (2020). EU Werte und ethische Prinzipien für KI und Robotik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Gesundheitssektors. In M. Hengstschläger & Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung (Eds.), Digitaler Wandel und Ethik (pp. 286–318). Ecowin Verlag.
  • Pirs, M., & Frischhut, M. (2020). Ethical Integration in EU Law: The prevailing normative theories in EGE opinions. In N. Ryder & L. Pasculli (Eds.), Corruption, Integrity and the Law: Global Regulatory Challenges (pp. 286–311). Routledge.
  • Frischhut, M. (2020). Gesundheitsdienstleistungen im EWR. Europarecht (EuR)(Beiheft 1), 257–280.
  • Frischhut, M. (2020). Werte der EU und in der EU. ÖKUM, 32 (1), 10–11. (download)
  • Frischhut, M. (2019). The ethical spirit of EU law. Cham: Springer International Publishing. (TwitterInstagramLinkedIn)
  • Feeney, O., Werner-Felmayer, G., Siipi, H., Frischhut, M., Zullo, S., Barteczko, U., Øystein Ursin, L., Linn, S., Felzmann, H., Krajnović, D., Saunders, J., & Rakić, V. (2020). European Electronic Personal Health Records initiatives and vulnerable migrants: A need for greater ethical, legal and social safeguards. Developing World Bioethics, 20(1), 27–37.
  • Grad, J., & Frischhut, M. (2019). Legal and Ethical Rules in EU Decision-Making: “Soft Law” for Targets and Actors of Lobbying. In D. Dialer & M. Richter (Eds.), Lobbying in the European Union: Strategies, Dynamics and Trends (pp. 305–327). Cham: Springer. (InstagramTwitterLinkedIn)
  • Frischhut, M. (2017). Buchrezension: Über Grenzen denken. Eine Ethik der Migration, von Julian Nida-Rümelin. (Hamburg: Edition Körber-Stiftung, 2017). Common Market Law Review, 54(6), 1893–1895. (Volltext)
  • Frischhut, M. (2017). Standards on quality and safety in cross-border healthcare. In A. den Exter (Ed.), Cross-border health care and European Union law (pp. 59–86). Rotterdam: Erasmus University Press. (Volltext) (Tweet 1 und 2)
  • Frischhut, M. (2017). What one should know about the European Union (EU): A quick introduction to EU law (4th edition). Wien: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag (NWV). (Tweet) | Brexit update hier verfügbar : download
  • Frischhut, M. (2017). Was man über die Europäische Union (EU) wissen sollte: Ein rascher Einstieg ins EU-Recht (4. Auflage). Wien: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag (NWV). (Tweet)
  • Frischhut, M., & Greer, S. L. (2017). EU public health law and policy – communicable diseases. In T. Hervey, C. Young, & L. E. Bishop (Eds.), Research Handbook on EU Health Law and Policy (315-346). Edward Elgar Publishing. (download)
  • Frischhut, M. (2017). Legal and Ethical Issues of Cross-Border Reproductive Care from an EU Perspective: Chapter 17. In M. K. Smith & L. Puczkó (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Health Tourism (pp. 203–218). Abingdon, Oxon: Taylor & Francis. (Tweet)
  • Frischhut, M. (2015). "EU": Short for "Ethical" Union?: The Role of Ethics in European Union Law. Heidelberg Journal of International Law (HJIL), 75(3), 531-577. (Volltext)


Im Erscheinen (i.E.)

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Gastvorträge etc.

Auswahl (für die aktuellsten Präsentationen siehe unter News und Aktivitäten)

  • Frischhut, M. (2024, June 20). Speech on the topic of "The AI Act, EU values and democracy" and workshop "Unraveling the AI Act, EU values and the risk-based approach" by Markus Frischhut within the "Ulysseus International Week: Digital transformation", organized by Ulysseus European University, at the Université Côte-d'Azur, in Nice
  • Frischhut, M. (2024, June 7). Overview on EU cross-border healthcare - implications for Flash 'Work Package 5', at the Horizon Europe funded 'Flash' annual consortium meeting, University of Catania
  • Frischhut, M. (2024, June 3). "Entscheidungsfindung auf Europäischer Ebene – so geht´s!", Vortrag für das Tiroler Bildungsforum, online via Zoom
  • Frischhut, M. (2024, May 31). "Overview on 'national health institutions' and links to related topics of EU health law", at "Framing EU Health Law through Connectivity", annual meeting in the context of the 'Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law', University Aix-Marseille, Aix en Provence
  • Frischhut, M. (2024, May 16). "What is the call from academia?", 'spotlight input' at the ‘Stakeholder round table discussion on the health asks of the next European Parliament and Commission. The European Health Union we want - 2024 and beyond", in the Permanent Representation of Austria to the European Union, Brussels
  • Frischhut, M. (2024, April 19). "The ethical spirit of EU law and EU values. ‘Conflicts of interest’ and beyond", presentation at the ‘thematic session’ for the ‘Ethics and Compliance Committee (ECC)’ at the European Central Bank (ECB), Frankfurt am Main
  • Frischhut, M. (2024, April 16). "EU fundamental values and health", presentation at the launch conference “The European Union as Global Health Actor” of the Centre of Excellence “New visions of the European Union's role in Global Health” (EU4GH) at the University of Salerno, online via Teams
  • Frischhut, M. (2024, February 29). "The ethical spirit of EU law. ECJ case-law in bioethics and the EU’s approach for new technologies", within the 'Annual joint training seminar' of the ‘National Commission of Greece for Bioethics and Technoethics’ and the ‘Laboratory of Medical Law and Bioethics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki’ (School of Law), Thursday 29th February, online via Zoom
  • Frischhut, M. (2024, February 20). "The AIA and fundamental values", within the course 'E-Course Artificial Intelligence: Unraveling AI under the European legal framework (2nd Edition)’, from 19th February to 7th March 2024, organized by NOVA University of Lisbon, online via Zoom.
  • Frischhut, M. (2023, October 21). "The EU ‘patient mobility’-acquis in the light of the new concept of a ‘European Health Union" at the International Conference "European Health Union: Perspectives and challenges", organised by the Aristotle University Thessaloniki (AuTH) Laboratory for the Study of Medical Law and Bioethics in cooperation with the National Commission for Bioethics and Technoethics, the Thessaloniki Bar Association and the Thessaloniki Medical Association, online via Zoom
  • Frischhut, M. (2023, July 5). Guest speech and workshop “Mandatory vaccination: navigation from ‘social solidarity’ (ECtHR case Vavřička) to other values" at the “8th International Summer School: Medical Law and Bioethics: Minors’ health: legal, medical and bioethical aspects”, organized by the ‘Laboratory for the research of medical law and bioethics' at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Frischhut, M. (2023, June 15). Vortrag zum Thema "‘Strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) from the perspective of EU law (& values)" auf der "Conference on Strategic Litigation and Public Health", an der University of Liverpool
  • "EU-rechtliche Perspektive & Leihmutterschaft" im Rahmen der "Interdisziplinären Ringvorlesung. Ethische Fragestellungen in der Reproduktionsmedizin", an der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck, 26.4.2023
  • "Solidarity in health conceptualized through the normative lenses of EU law and ethics" auf der "Conference on EU Health Governance: An Opportunity for Trust and Solidarity?", an der University of Amsterdam, 13.4.2023
  • "The ‘European Health Union’. Historical predecessors and current values" at the workshop ‘The European Health Union. Set up, challenges and global outlook’, organised by the ‘Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law’ (MPIL) & ‘Forschungsstätte der Ev. Studiengemeinschaft – Institut für interdisziplinäre Forschung‘, at the MPIL in Heidelberg, Germany, 1.12.2022
  • „Eine Europäische Gesundheitsunion. Historische Ideen, aktuelle Pläne und Werte für einen resilienten Wiederaufbau“ auf dem 21. Österreichischen Europarechtstag „Europa in der Brandung. Wiederaufbau, Werte, Wettbewerb“, Universität Salzburg, 30.9.2022
  • “EU Values and Ethical Principles for AI and Robotics Medicine”, Vortrag im Rahmen der summer school “XV Encuentro interautonómico sobre protección jurídica del paciente. De la innovación en salud a la salud de la innovación” at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander / Spanien, 30.6.2022 (Präsentation download)
  • "EU law, ethics and health as a value", Vortrag in Seminar an der Universität Uppsala. 17.2.2022 (Präsentation download)
  • “EU law, common values and public health”, Vortrag in “Health in Europe” Seminar an der  Universität Lancaster. 3.11.2021 online (Link), recording
  • "EU law, common values and public health", Vortrag im Rahmen des von der European Public Health Association und der UK Faculty of Public Health organisierten Veranstaltung 'Unleashing the Power of Law to Promote Better Health for All', 'Law and Public Health Section kick-off event'. 20.5.2021 (Link | Präsentation download)
  • "Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik – einige Überlegungen aus unionsrechtlicher Perspektive", Vortrag auf der Fachtagung "Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik als theologisch-ethische Herausforderung", organisiert vom Institut für Islamische Theologie und Religionspädagogik an der Universität Innsbruck. 13.6.2019 (Link)
  • "Gesundheitsdienstleistungen", Vortrag auf der Tagung "25 Jahre Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum – Ein Integrationsszenarium auf dem Prüfstand", organisiert vom Institut für Europarecht und Völkerrecht an der Universität Innsbruck
  • "The relationship of EU law and science: with a special emphasis on the precautionary principle", Gastvortrag beim Workshop der VBE group "Science and Proven Experience in the Legal Regulation of Risk” an der Lund University, Schweden. 28.5.2018. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21190.98880
  • "The impact of EU law in the health care sector. Access to and quality of care", Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Seminars “Research Group Law, Democracy and Welfare” an der University of Bergen, Norwegen. 3.5.2018. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19266.27841
  • "Ethical lobbying in the EU: ‘Soft Law’ for Targets and Actors of Lobbying", Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Seminars "Integrity Research Group" an der Kingston University London, Vereinigtes Königreich. 23.1.2018. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29411.45604
  • "Ist die EU eine 'Ethische Union'?: Zur Rolle von Ethik, Moral und Religion in der EU", Vortrag im Rahmen der GCL Brüssel Exkursion, Brüssel, 26.10.2017. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13955.60962
  • "EU rules concerning access to health care", Key-note bei der 6th Conference of the European Association of Health Law (EAHL) "Health right regulations and the distribution of health care", University of Bergen, Norwegen. 29.9.2017.
  • "EU – die Ethische Union? Die Rolle von Ethik und Moral in der Europäischen Union", Vortrag im Rahmen von Wissenschaft und Verantwortlichkeit, MCI Management Center Innsbruck, 31.5.2017.
  • "An Increasing Role for Ethics in EU Member States based on EU Ethicalization?" (zusammen mit M. Estermann, T. Hotarek, L. Pacey, A. Varona Martin) UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 12th World Conference Bioethics, Medical Ethics & Health Law, Limassol, Zypern. 23.3.2017.
  • “'Social Membership' vs. ‘EU Citizenship'. Some Reflections on Joseph H. Carens' ‘The Ethics of Immigration' from an EU Law Perspective”. Gastvortrag bei der “Conference on European Democracy (EuDEM) 2016. ‘Return to Politics - Is Europe Prepared for It?'”, organisiert durch das Bundeskanzleramt, die Diplomatische Akademie Wien und das Austria Institut für Europa- und Sicherheitspolitik (AIES). Diplomatische Akademie Wien, Österreich. 25.4.2016.
  • “’EU’ = ‘Ethical Union?’ The Role of Ethics in European Union Law”. Gastvortrag im Europäischen Parlament. “EPP Working Group on Bioethics and Human Dignity”. Straßburg, Frankreich. 3.2.2016.
  • “The role of ethics and bioethics in EU law and ECJ case-law”. VIII Encuentro interautonómico sobre protección jurídica del paciente como consumidor. Santander, Spanien. 18.6. 2015.
  • “Some reflections on current ECJ cases in the field of assisted reproduction”. Workshop International Medically Assisted Reproduction (IMAR) - A Central and Eastern European Perspective. Medical University Innsbruck, Austria. 7.5.2015.
  • “General information on the directive 2011/24/EU (Topic 1)”. TAIEX Workshop on Cross-border Healthcare Directive. Ankara, Turkey. 27.4.2015.
  • “EU - Short for ethical union? The role of ethics (and morality) in European Union law”. UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 10th World Conference Bioethics, Medical Ethics & Health Law, Jerusalem, Israel. 6.1.2015.


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