- If you want to discuss EU topics (general, ethics, values, etc.) please get in contact.
- Lectures at the particular school or at MCI possible.
- #EUfürSchüler (example on Instagram) | #EU4schools (example on Twitter)
Examples of lectures at various schools in Tyrol
- „Ethik, Werte und Philosophie in der EU“ | Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck | 18 December 2019 Presentation (german)
- „Was bringt mir die EU?“ | HTL Innsbruck | 3 July 2018 Presentation (german)
- „EU und Brexit“ | Gymnasium St. Johann in Tyrol | 9 March 2018 Presentation (german)
- „EU und Ethik“ | NMS Steinach | 13 November 2017 Presentation (german)
"New EU Prize for schools teaching about the EU", OJ 2019 C 167/9 (Tweet)
Information for teachers, EU website:
An open ear (also) for (young) citizens | Public Consultations - express your views: