Jean Monnet Chair
EU Values & DIGitalization for our CommuNITY (DIGNITY)
Under the umbrella of the UN Global Compact, the UN’s Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative was founded in 2007. In 2011, MCI has joined PRME, to promote responsible management education.
Named according to one of the EU’s founding fathers, Jean Monnet, the European Union (EU) is supporting activities in the field of EU integration under its Erasmus+ programme. Within this context, the EU has established a Jean Monnet chair on European integration & ethics from September 2016 to August 2019. Based on this previous chair on ethics, in September 2019 the EU has established a new Jean Monnet Chair on EU values and digitalization, which is again generously co-funded by Erasmus+. Despite the end of the second chair in August 2022, many activities will continue.
Jean Monnet Prof. Markus Frischhut is a member of the executive board of ethucation (an independent platform for ethics and bioethics in medicine) and of the association WUV (Wissenschaft und Verantwortlichkeit). He is a member of the 'Science Alliance' of 'Protect our Winters' (POW) Austria and closely cooperates with Impact Hub Tirol (support for social entrepreneurship, formerly SETup). He also supports Gemeinsamfuer.eu_innsbruck, a non-party organization that aims to increase voter turnout in the European Parliament elections (2019: #thistimeiamvoting; 2024: #useyourvote) and to discuss EU issues.
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